Looking for the best way to lose weight? Just as an intro, we could stuff a smorgasbord of food idioms into this blog, but we’ll be meager; piece of cake, bad egg, smart cookie, big cheese, food for thought, in a nutshell, cream of the crop, bigger fish to fry, bring home the bacon, your goose is cooked…you get the idea. As obsessed as some foodies are with food, people trying not to be obsessed with food are on a scale that is shocking. Weight loss is a $66 billion-dollar industry, and one of the most advertised, according to U.S. Weight Loss & Diet Control Market. An estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year, and Americans spend $33 billion each year on weight loss products. Fat (or the lack of it) has become the boogieman of our time. Kids are counting calories before they even have any idea what a calorie really is. As they get older, it just gets worse. Ta-da! Enter Fad Diets. Not the best way to lose weight.
But Thrive is! Everyone at Thrive Health Solutions Gets It.
The Boston Medical Center reported that of the estimated 45 million American who are looking for the best way to lose weight, 50% of them use fad diets. So what, exactly, is a fad diet? Let’s put it this way…take thousands of people desperate to lose weight, toss some food choices and insane ideas (ones you’d normally laugh yourself sick at) into a hat, give it a catchy name, get a celebrity to endorse it if you can, pay people to post rave reviews on Amazon, hire the best people to find a way to advertise and market it, throw in some phrases like “you won’t believe” or “the only thing that’s ever worked” and you have the ultimate fad diet. Thing is, you lose a few pounds quick, people tell you, you look thinner, then you put it back on.
At Thrive Health Solutions, They’ve Seen it All.
A few bricks shy of a load, a few cards short of a deck-you get it—crazy, loony, absurd, whacked…so many yummy adjectives. (Sorry, can’t stop with the food language.) Here are what are considered some of the worst fad diets. And by far not the best way to lose weight.
- Blood Type Diet– Your blood type cannot impact your diet any more than your astrological sign can
- The Baby Food Diet– If a baby can grow up eating the mushy stuff, eating some definitely won’t hurt you, but guess what: you aren’t a baby
- The Cabbage Soup Diet-The grandmother of all fad diets-GAS ANYONE?
- The Cotton Ball Diet-cotton balls soaked in orange juice-that ought to leave a good taste in your mouth
- Lunar Or Werewolf Diet– Fasting according to the lunar phases-hairy at the least
- Sleeping Beauty Diet- If you’re asleep, you’re not eating. Unless you sleepwalk, of course
- Tapeworm Diet- Ingest tapeworm eggs, let the tapeworm eat the food you consume once it gets to your intestines, and then, when you lose enough weight, get a doctor to prescribe you an anti-worm medication. Are you sick yet?
- The Clip-Your-Nose-While-You-Eat Diet-Try eating and not breathing at the same time…
- The Prayer Diet-Pray every night that you’ll lose weight. Sorry. No miracles here.
Thrive Health Solutions Doesn’t Believe in Miracles.
The fact is, there are no foods or pills that magically burn fat. No super foods will alter your genetic code. No products will miraculously melt fat while you watch TV or sleep. Some ingredients in supplements and herbal products can be dangerous and even deadly for some people. Fad or crash diets put stress on every part of your body from your kidneys to your heart to your brain. They can cause electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, muscle loss, hypoglycemia, nausea, diarrhea, lethargy, headaches, dizziness, hair loss, bad breath and a whole plate of other things bad for your body. Including the weight coming right back on so you start the whole vicious cycle again.
So here’s the thing; if you are looking for the best way to lose weight safely and keep it off, there is a smart and easy option; Thrive Health Solutions. Thrive specializes in medical weight loss solutions. (So far from fad, it’s not even funny.) Not just one, but one created uniquely for you. One that considers your health history and goals. One that is medically supervised and medically sound. Thrive’s weight loss options include semaglutide, tizepatide, custom-compounded lipotropic injections, B12 injections and appetite suppressants. When combined with Paleo, Keto, intermittent fasting or Thrive’s proprietary 1200-calorie weight loss diet, you can lose from ½ to 1 lb. daily. Weight that won’t creep back up without even realizing it. Not just because it’s healthy, but because it’s one you can stick to. More a way of life. Call Thrive Health Solutions for an appointment now. And forgo fad diets forever.