When it comes to your health, hormones call the shots. If they don’t work, little else will. Hormones are your body’s messengers. Produced in the endocrine glands, these powerful chemicals travel through your bloodstream, telling tissues and organs what to do, and controlling nearly every important physiological process, including weight loss and anti-aging. Understanding the BHRT benefits can help you manage your hormones effectively, ensuring they support your overall health and wellness.
Weight loss. Well, now we’ve caught your interest. But here’s the tricky thing about wanting to lose weight: You could eat right, and that’s good. You could exercise. Also good. You could lead a healthy lifestyle. And still have weight that wants to hold onto your body for dear life. So what goes?
You don’t know what to do. Maybe it’s time you learned about something called hormonal weight gain. Hormonal weight gain is weight gain associated with underlying hormonal imbalances. Approximately 80% of adults over 40 are hormonally imbalanced. Sooner or later, all people experience a significant drop or shift in hormone levels. As hormone levels decrease, health issues increase. Along with your weight.
In men, for example, hormonal weight gain can be caused by high stress or cortisol levels that make the body go into survival mode and induce the production of fat cells, which will cause a declining metabolism that stores food for later use.
Estrogen, which fluctuates throughout a woman’s life, decreasing especially around menopause, can cause unwanted weight gain, noticeably around the hips, thighs, and belly, which is called “hormonal belly” (terror of terrors).
For both men and women, a decrease in testosterone (yes, women have it, though in smaller amounts) means a reduction in muscle, which lowers the body’s metabolic rate, resulting in increased body fat.
Everyone ages. But who says it has to happen so fast? Like with weight, you can blame those pesky but important unbalanced hormones. Especially the ones that start to tank as the years take a toll on us.
Men? You might find yourself losing strength and muscle. And how about hair loss? There can be a lot of it. (Get out that baseball hat.) Your energy, stamina, and vitality can be lost along with your libido. Your sperm count could dwindle, your prostate could enlarge, and getting an erection or keeping it can be nothing more than a memory. (Sex? What’s that?)
Women? What unbalanced hormones could do to you is just as terrifying. Loss of bone density can lead to osteoporosis and make you more susceptible to fractures. Not to mention making you a bit shorter. And then there are night sweats and vaginal dryness. (Enough, already…) It doesn’t stop. One of the first signs of aging and also the most visible, is your skin. Yes, we’re talking wrinkles. Thin and dry, there is also that crepey neck. Age depletes collagen and no outrageously expensive online or over-the-counter anti-aging cream is going to make a difference. Forget what Influencers or TikTokers tout.
Bioidentical hormones are just what they sound like; identical. Exactly like the hormones your body naturally makes. Which means your body won’t reject them and you won’t be hit with any risky side effects. Which makes them safe. Good place to start. BHRT is available in the form of pellets or injections.
Pellets are uniquely compounded bioidentical hormones about the size of a cooked grain of rice, painlessly placed just under the skin as an in-office procedure. They deliver a consistent, steady, and healthy level of hormones into the bloodstream over a few months when the body needs it, preventing the rollercoaster-like effects of regular one-size-fits-all synthetic hormone replacement. (The kind you want to run from) They also bypass the liver avoiding possible clotting factors, blood pressure, glucose, or liver function. Another advantage is that you only need to go to the doctor’s office for the procedure 4 times per year.
Testosterone injections or “low T shots” are primarily used as treatment for sexual dysfunction in males, and postmenopausal symptoms in females with a testosterone deficiency. T-shots are administered every 7 to 22 days. Testosterone levels peak two to three days after and then slowly drop until the next dose of the hormone is given. With injections, your Thrive Health Solutions professional can adjust dosage every 7 days offering the most control along with the opportunity to monitor how the injections are affecting you. Each time you come in for an injection you can address any issues or concerns you may have, and make any adjustments.
When it comes to the role of BHRT and hormones in weight loss and anti-aging, it’s enough to make you go, “ok, that’s amazing, hard to believe, I’m in, who could ask for more? Well “more”, is a long list so here are just some other BHRT benefits:
- Protects against heart disease and stroke
- Increases concentration and memory
- Decreases incontinence
- Prevents senility and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Reduces risk of depression
- Improves cholesterol levels
- Helps avoid fatigue and achy joints
- Develops healthier blood sugar balance
- Improves well-being
- Restores normal sleeping patterns
- Improves blood flow
- Supports immune function
- Decreases inflammation
- The medical professionals at Thrive Health Solutions are experts. Real pros. They have had endless years of experience with BHRT and are renowned for their noticeable results.
- They understand the intricacies of precisely administering the hormones your body needs based on your symptoms and advanced testing. Every individual is different, and every condition is unique, so every protocol is individualized. It’s all about you.
- They’re thorough in educating patients about their treatment options and what to expect. (Which is pretty wonderful.)
- Attentive and caring, they listen to your concerns and they’re there for you throughout your therapy for every tweak, change, and adjustment until you reach your best “you” living your best life whether it’s losing weight, anti-aging, or anything else.
BHRT? Thrive is where you want to be. Text Thrive Health Solutions for an appointment now.